DCE is fully committed to protecting the health and safety of our players, families, staff and volunteers. We have put together some health and safety guidelines for our Youth Travel Season. Please read and review with your daughter.
At this time, travel practices will be held at Greenheck Fieldhouse, DCE Junior High and all the participating grade schools. Failure to follow the GFH and Girls Youth Travel Basketball protocols will result in our program’s removal from the practice schedule and loss of scheduling privileges.
Youth Travel Basketball Health & Safety Guidelines
- Anyone with signs or symptoms of illness must not practice or attend any games/ tournaments. This includes siblings of players that are ill and coaching staff. If your daughter cannot attend school due to illness, quarantine or exposure, and have been directed by school or a health department to stay home, your daughter is not allowed to attend practice or tournaments during the designated period of time. Missing practices due to quarantine, exposure and other precautions will not affect your child’s playing time.
Face coverings/masks: Greenheck Field House and all DCE schools will be complying with any state mandate, school district rule or health department recommendation currently in place. Please be prepared to follow any masking order in place at practice or game venues as posted or instructed by your coach.
- Please have your daughter bring hand sanitizer in their gear bag to use before starting practice, during and after practice.
Concussion Waivers DUE ASAP
Please go to the GNBL website at https://www.gnbl.org/ and click on Waiver/Concussion Info at the top of the page. Complete the concussion waiver through this website. It will use your same Sports Engine login info you used to register for our program. Once you have completed your concussion waiver, please email your confirmation to your coach.